Friday, August 04, 2006

Tank empty!

Yesterday Tijn and I went out to the boat to get some random jobs done. Tijn cleaned the sides of the green moustache they've been growing. I installed the thru-deck conduit for the masthead light -- it's raining today, which means the silicone seal may leak, sigh... I also redid the crimps between the main distribution switch and the lighter adapter -- that saved a 2.5V drop, awesome!

Then we took out the outlet hose for the water tank and drained it into the bilge. We'll fill it with relatively concentrated bleach solution, leave it a couple days, and then fill it up for good. Overall it was very satisfying to get that stuff done. I guess I still need to check whether the masthead light actually lights up.

Ian has donated some canvas and Tijn will be making covers for the motors from it.

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