Thursday, July 13, 2006

Midsummer maintenance checklist

I think Shadow's getting to the point of mid-summer/pre-islands maintenance. Here's the stuff that needs to be done:

* replace gooseneck pin (UNDOABLE)
* install masthead light and fix thru-deck connector (DONE)
* install windex (DONE)
* build anchor locker hatch
* install new halyard turning blocks (DONE)
* tighten loose spreader (REPLACING INSTEAD)
* check stays (DONE), potentially change out clevis pins (COULDN'T DO)
* remove @#$!@ piece of green tape from mast! (DONE)
* clean/test water tank (DONE)
* install eye on mast where we removed the old one
* run messenger line to masthead block? (DONE)
* check gauge of lighter connector wiring (can it take the full load of the lights?) (Redid the splice)

And the dinghy is definitely due for a cleaning! (DONE)

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